Sunday, January 23, 2011

I can't get this theme out of my head

I though if I posted it here at least someone else could share my infliction.

From the Bookshelf

 I am always horribly behind the times when it comes to comics. I like to wait for the trades to come out to collect a story line. Add to that I normally buy paperbacks, so waiting for those to come out and then getting around to buying them really puts me behind current events in the comic world. I don't mind all that much though it gives others a long time to thoroughly review the books and I end up having a wealth of opinions to help me guide my purchases. Since I am not the wealthiest person a poor decision can be a kick in the wallet. That being said I just recently discovered the new X-Force and I am seriously enjoying it. I like the darker tone of the books, and the art has been fantastic. I started by reading he new Cable series and found it interesting. When I got the X-force tie in for Messiah War I enjoyed it enough that I thought, hey I should give this new X-Force a shot. It hasn't been a mistake yet.

Recent acquisitions to the toy vault :

 This Snake Eyes from the first 2011 wave of GI Joe Pursuit of Cobra figures is probably easily one of the best renditions of this character to date. He comes packed full of accessories and has an alternate head with visor for those fans of that look.
With some scale reference

 I picked up this Ultimate Iron Man figure from the most recent wave of figures from the Iron Man 2 line based on comic renditions of the character.

Power Girl was on sale at Amazon after Christmas and too cheap not to pick up. I don't collect a lot of DC merchandise but this seemed like a good figure for a good price.
 DC's Power Girl or as I like to refer to her,
the Ms. Marvel of the DC universe.
I happened upon Spider-Woman on the shelves at target and picked her up, I am not to keen on her lack of arm articulation to to the underarm webs.

Spider-Woman and her limited articulation friends

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Watch this!

The Sisters of Mercy, Black Planet, from the album First and Last and Always.
What a classic!

Diorama Drama

This is a Lego diorama I made using the Medieval Market Village. I made the tower as a center piece and focal point for the display. I see it as a trade city where adventurers from all factions can go to stock up on supplies and gather info before embarking on quests. They can also cash in their treasures after their adventures. The tower is a center of learning and knowledge for wizards from all around the realm to hone their skills.

The hustle and bustle of a busy city street.
Two dark  riders from the Dragon Kingdom
cut through the crowd.

Even Dark Wizards can mingle freely on these streets.

Dwarves hard at work at the forge.

The crowded city.

A party of adventuerers about to set out on their quest.
:also a nod to The Lord of the Rings.

Is there a traitor among them?

Street side entertainment!

The Bar Maid and the Lion Knight.


What knowledge will this Dragon Kingdom Wizard impart from the
tower of learning?

A Sorceress!

Will the warrior woman buy fish for her journey?

A visit to the stable.

Always keep those weapons sharp.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Listen to this; Neil Young

A good jumping point for a new fan

I often think of this Album cover when I am stressed at work.
Oh to be alone on the beach with my feet in the sand

The second Neil Young Album I bought and one of my favorites

I liked this one from the moment I heard it for the first time.

I love this cover, the future coming at us
and the past heading off into the sunset

Harvest Moon is an excellent love song.

This one was harder to digest
but has become one I listen to most often as of late.

 A few of my favorite Neil Young Albums. His music really speaks to me. When I'm drawing or painting I just put one of these in and go. They help get into a creative zone of me the music and the art. If your not familiar with his music I highly recommend starting with any of these, you wont be disappointed.